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AmigaOne x1000 blog: C64 emulation on AmigaOS 4

Epsilons A1 x1k blog


Today I wanted to talk a bit about Commodore 64 (C64) emulation on the X1000.

My first home computer was a Commodore 64, and I had a great time playing many classic games during the 1980’s before we upgraded to an Amiga 500.

Most Commodore 64 floppy disk based games are preserved these days from their original physical medium as d64 format and tape based games in t64 format. These files can be easily obtained via Google.

In my case I chose to use the VICE C64 emulator on the X1000, available from os4depot.net. It emulates the C64, C128 and many other Commodore computers of the period (VIC20, C16, etc).

I have to say to be honest that I am only interested in the C64 emulation – and I am pleased to report that it runs at full C64 speed on the X1000.

Thanks to Epsilon!

I myself love some C-64 games, but MAME also

ZX Spectrum

Atari 16 bit

